Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I keep moving ahead...

Isn't the way our brain works awesome?
After days (nearly weeks) of being unable to sit at my PC and work on my thesis, blaming my husband for selfishness, sharing sorrows with friends facing the same challenges (Silvana and I had some "mates" yesterday morning) and once again begin Mother to look after my younger so that I can have some hours for myself (What? Am I my thesis?!?), I've sat and worked on my ever-growing draft for nearly four hours...
Have I finished my review of the literature? No, not yet! But all of the sudden I grasped a concept that had been troubling me for years (honestly!), and I was able to round off a very important section in the chapter (history of CALL). Now only one section is to be written, and then off to the conclusion of this huge task!
BTW, it is clear now that my thesis has grown out of proportions if all I had as an aim was to get my diploma for my specialization as a Methods teacher (85 pages by now, 7 listing the references and the list is not complete!) . There are, however, 2 "doors" on the horizon that keep me smiling: the possibility of getting it published (Sharon says that's not just a dream, let's believe her!) and my determination to make this my starting point to establish myself as an "expert" in this area (Sharon: you should be proud of yourself, you've drilled this into my brainand soul, now it's my belief!). Whatever path I take after submitting this, I'll benefit for having gone through this, I'm sure!

Best news of all: I still have two hours to keep working on all this. :-) I'd better have some snack and try to get a bit further!

1 comment:

Sharon said...


We become what we believe! You are establishing yourself as an expert!

Yes, you are your part, and conversely, your thesis is you. That's what happens when an artist begins to apply color to canvas. A different kind of feeling, eh?

The completion of the thesis won't be the end of the process. It will be the beginning of a new and different path in your professional life if you choose to take it.