My dear Sharon emails me on several issues, and "incidentally" (always so respectful of the adult learner!) asks:
DGB, I've been wondering about the status of the "thesis." Any news that you would like to share about the state of "what's happening now?"
Pablo, a very enthusiastic student I've recently met at teacher's training college, comes up and tells me he's been browsing around and come across this blog. Encouragingly, he then posts to tell me about Magritte's "Time Transfixed" and, though I'm appalling at understanding painting, I look at it and get the feeling that there's always a chance, even when things seem to be totally "out of place".
Thanks for your invaluable support, Sharon and Pablo! I start feeling I can go back to hearing my voice and expressing it through my thesis... If the train engine has somehow been able to make its way into the chimney, getting my thesis submitted can't be that much tougher, can it?
NOTE: this picture was painted by René Magritte, the Belgian surrealist painter in 1938(/9?). You can read about this painting at the website of The Art Institute of Chicago.
There's been a lot on your plate for the past couple of months in both your personal and professional lives.
You have done a splendid job of having your voice heard through your new Yahoo online group and it's been very time consuming for you.
Just give a cyber shout when you need another pair of eyes to admire your personal artwork :-)
Love and blessings, know who!
PS BTW, did the children get to view their Easter cards?
In a conventional-type chimney, if you happen to reverse the direction of the locomotive, there´s only one way: up the funnel and into the sky!!
BTW, I feel that the thesis is only the tip of the iceberg.....
Keep heart-beating!
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